Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Reason for the Switch

HEY! so some people were looking at my blog and as u can see... i changed it. The reason that it went from the swirly red, black, and white cuteness of giggle: laughter is contagious to the random rainbowness of the short bus is because some of my brothers find it absolutely hilarious that I'm moving to a hick town like minersville; they tell me i am going to become a hick and fit right in with the Utards or I'm going to go crazy and have to ride the short bus to school or their aren't going to be enough kids to go to school with so they will already have short buses for normal people. So since I'm not becoming a Utard I'll probably end up going crazy because of the Utards. So now whenever you look at my blog and the insanity that lead my parents to somehow want to move their child (me) the Utah, you will also see the insanity in Utah and my fantastic adventures on the "SHORT BUS" :)


CoUrTtLeS said...

i went onto laughteriscontagious.. and u wurnt there!!! i almost cried, then i went onto carlys and found out u got a new one! u utard/hick! haha... jk i love u!

Norris Family said...

Seriously, what got into your parents, but the goal of riding the short bus, and being madly insane hick out of minersville, is such a worthy goal!!! Seriously....

CoUrTtLeS said...

ok...cali was way fun! haha. i couldnt kiss the dolphins i tried real hard tho! i said hi to one though! and thanks for looking at my blog... if u want a "music thing" haha u just go to sign up... but use a nick name... just for security purposes... pick all the music u want to be on there... and log out! then all the music will be on ur blog.. but make sure u DO NOT read any messages (like they will say u have one new message in ur inbox... ((trent from scottsdale wants to hook up with u)) it could be a virus or something bad... so just ignore those!) well tty! haha. i need to post all the cali pics! hopefully soon! haha